The main difference between RaySafe i2 and RaySafe i3 is the dosimeter model:
- RaySafe i3
- RaySafe i2
The Real-time Dosimeters (i3) have improved performance in sensitivity and directional response, compared to RaySafe i2 dosimeters. See specifications for RaySafe i2 and RaySafe i3 for details.
Note 1: The Real-time Display works with both RaySafe i2 and RaySafe i3. RaySafe Dose Viewer version or later, delivered with RaySafe i3, is backwards compatible with RaySafe i2. Older versions of Dose Viewer need to be updated to support the new dosimeters (i3).
Note 2: RaySafe Real-time Dosimeters (i3) cannot be directly connected to Dose Manager (optional software) via USB cable. However, you can always use network connection or a USB memory stick to transfer stored dose history from Real-time Displays to Dose Manager.